This page provides a list of publications (including presentations) by the SODA project
Paul Koster, “Secure MultiParty Computation (MPC) for Big Data Analytics: technology readiness from an enterprise perspective”
1-pager on SODA website (available here)
Berry Schoenmakers, “Verifiable MPC”
Presentation at ZKProof Community Event
Mads Schaarup Andersen, “The practical implications of MPC when Introduced to People”
2-pager on SODA website (available here)
Paul Koster, “Progressing Practical Privacy-Preserving Big Data Analytics”
Panel presentation at Beyond Privacy: Learning Data Ethics
Anna Horvath, “Anonymisation of personal data leads to the inapplicability of the GDPR – Myth or Reality?”
Presentation at Beyond Privacy: Learning Data Ethics
Berry Schoenmakers, “Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis in MPyC and Other Examples of Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics”
Presentation at PPDS workshop, Statistics Netherlands, The Hague
Anna Zsófia Horváth, “GDPR meets Crypto: Towards secure privacy-preserving data analytics”
2-pager on SODA website (available here)
Peter Scholl, “Efficient Pseudorandom Correlation Generators”
Presentation at Leuven Computing on Encrypted Data (CoED) Workshop
Elette Boyle, Geoffroy Couteau, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Lisa Kohl, Peter Rindal, Peter Scholl, “Efficient Two-Round OT Extension and Silent Non-Interactive Secure Computation”
Paper at CCS 2019 (preprint here)
Paul Koster, “Scalable oblivious data analytics for healthcare applications”
Presentation at “Security, Privacy & Legal in Healthcare Big Data Analytics” workshop (slides available here)
Mads Schaarup Andersen, “How do users and data subjects perceive MPC?”
Presentation at “Security, Privacy & Legal in Healthcare Big Data Analytics” workshop
Anna Horvath, “TOMs, encryption, anonymization”
Presentation at “Security, Privacy & Legal in Healthcare Big Data Analytics” workshop (slides available here)
Paul Koster, Anna Horvath, Mads Schaarup Andersen, “Scalable Oblivious Data Analytics: enable practical big data analytics on big data with MultiParty Computation”
Poster at “Big Data: Fueling the transformation of Europe’s Healthcare Sector”, September 4-5, 2019, Valencia, Spain (pdf here)
Frank Blom, “Efficient Secure Ridge Regression from Randomized Gaussian Elimination”
Presentation at PPML 2019 (ACM CCS workshop)
Frank Blom, Niek Bouman, Berry Schoenmakers, Niels de Vreede, “Efficient Secure Ridge Regression from Randomized Gaussian Elimination”
Poster at PPML 2019 (ACM CCS workshop)
Niek Bouman, Niels de Vreede, “A Practical Approach to the Secure Computation of the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse over the Rationals”
Poster at PPML 2019 (ACM CCS workshop)
Mark Abspoel, Niek J. Bouman, Berry Schoenmakers, Niels de Vreede, “Fast Secure Comparison for Medium-Sized Integers and Its Application in Binarized Neural Networks”
Poster at PPML 2019 (ACM CCS workshop)
Mads Schaarup Andersen, Laura Nielsen, “Ethics thorugh design: Medical data systems, chronically ill data subjects, and all the invisible things in between”
Paper at IASDR 2019 (available here)
Mads Schaarup Andersen, Laura Nielsen, “Putting MPC to work within the health sector”
Presentation at Aarhus University crypto research seminar
Mads Schaarup Andersen, “Barrierer og nye muligheder for datadeling i det danske sundhedsvæsen”
Presentation at Sundhedsobservatoriets årskonference 2019
Kimberley Thissen, “Achieving Differential Privacy in Secure Multiparty Computation”
Master thesis (pdf here)
Jonas Lindstrøm, “Anonymisering done right”
Workshop at Teknologimorgen in Copenhagen and Aarhus
Jonas Lindstrøm, “Det nyeste inden for databeskyttelse”
Presentation at Databeskyttelsesdagen 2019
Mark Abspoel, Niek J. Bouman, Berry Schoenmakers, Niels de Vreede, “Fast Secure Comparison for Medium-Sized Integers and Its Application in Binarized Neural Networks”
Paper at RSA CT 2019
Frank Blom, “Efficient Secure Ridge Regression from Randomized Gaussian Elimination”
Presentation at Ei/PSI Crypto Working Group
Riko Jakob and Kasper Green Larsen and Jesper Buus Nielsen,”Lower Bounds for Oblivious Data Structures”
Paper at SODA 2019, preprint here
Ivan Damgård, Daniel Escudero, Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Marcel Keller, Peter Scholl, Nikolaj Volgushev, “New Primitives for Actively-Secure MPC Over Rings with Applications to Private Machine Learning”
Paper and presentation at IEEE S&P 2019 (preprint here)
Elette Boyle, Lisa Kohl, Peter Scholl, “Homomorphic Secret Sharing From Lattices Without FHE”
Paper at Eurocrypt 2019 (preprint here)
Elette Boyle, Geoffroy Couteau, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Lisa Kohl, Peter Scholl, “Efficient Pseudorandom Correlation Generators: Silent OT Extension and More”
Paper at Crypto 2019 (preprint here)
Peter Scholl, “Silent OT Extension”
Presentation at TPMPC 2019 (slides)
Niek Bouman, “Multi-Owner Data Science Meets Privacy! – Running Machine Learning Algorithms on top of Multiparty Computation”
Poster presentation at DSCE Summit 2018, Eindhoven, online here
Carmit Hazay, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl , Eduardo Soria-Vazquez, “Concretely Efficient Large-Scale MPC with Active Security (or, TinyKeys for TinyOT)”
Paper at Asiacrypt 2018, preprint here
Henning Mølsted, “Del persondata om stress, sygdom og færden på kryds og tværs: Ny teknologi baner vej”
Press article (in Danish), online here
Meilof Veeningen, Peter Nordholt, “Minimising Communication in Honest-Majority MPC by Batchwise Multiplication Verification”
Paper at ACNS 2018, preprint here
Jesper Buus Nielsen, Kasper Green Larsen, “Yes, There is an Oblivious RAM Lower Bound!”
Paper at CRYPTO 2018, preprint here
Ivan Damgård, Claudio Orlandi, Mark Simkin, “Yet Another Compiler for Active Security or: Efficient MPC Over Arbitrary Rings”
Paper at CRYPTO 2018, preprint here
Carmit Hazay, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl , Eduardo Soria-Vazquez, “TinyKeys: A New Approach to Efficient Multi-Party Computation”
Paper at CRYPTO 2018, preprint here
Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård, Daniel Escudero, Peter Scholl, Chaoping Xing, “SPDZ_2^k: Efficient MPC mod 2^k for Dishonest Majority”
Paper at CRYPTO 2018, preprint here
Tore Frederiksen, Yehuda Lindell, Valery Osheter, Benny Pinkas, “Fast Distributed RSA Key Generation for Semi-Honest and Malicious Adversaries”
Paper at CRYPTO 2018, preprint here
Niek J Bouman, “Multiprecision arithmetic for cryptology, at runtime and at compile time”
Presentation at CPPCon 2018 (slides here, software here)
Frank Blom, Niek Bouman, Berry Schoenmakers, Niels de Vreede, “Secure Linear Algebra over F_p and Q”
Presentation at Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation 2018 (slides)
Peter Scholl, “Efficient MPC From Syndrome Decoding”
Presentation at Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation 2018 (slides)
Berry Schoenmakers, “MPyC – Python Package for Secure Multiparty Computation”
Presentation at Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation 2018 (slides)
Meilof Veeningen, Supriyo Chatterjea, Anna Zsófia Horvath, Gerald Spindler, Eric Boersma, Peter van der Spek, Onno van der Gallien, Job Gutteling, Wessel Kraaij, Thijs Veugen, “Enabling Analytics on Sensitive Medical Data with Secure Multi-Party Computation”
Paper and presenation at Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2018 (available here)
Peter Scholl, “Extending Oblivious Transfer with Low Communication via Key-Homomorphic PRFs”
Paper at PKC 2018, preprint here
Tore Frederiksen, Benny Pinkas, Avishay Yanai, “Committed MPC – Maliciously Secure Multiparty Computation from Homomorphic Commitments”
Paper at PKC 2018, preprint here
Ivan Damgård, Ji Lao, Sabine Oechsner, Mark Simkin, Peter Scholl, “Compact Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Small Hamming Weight”
Paper at PKC 2018, preprint here
Software implementation: PySNARK —Python-based system for zk-SNARK based verifiable computations and smart contracts
Released on GitHub; flash presentation at Real World Crypto 2018
Meilof Veeningen (Philips), “SODA – Scalable Oblivious Data Analytics”
Presentation at Information and Networking Days on Horizon 2020 Big Data Public-Private Partnership topics (January 17) (slides)
Jesper Buus Nielsen, Samuel Ranellucci (Aarhus University), “On the Computational Overhead of MPC with Dishonest Majority”
Presentation at Public Key Cryptography Workshop (February 26)
Publication in PKC proceedings: DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-54388-7_13, preprint here
Meilof Veeningen (Philips), “Philips, Big Data & healthcare”
Presentation at Workshop “Big data og følsomme data”
Meilof Veeningen (Philips), “Pinocchio-Based Adaptive zk-SNARKs and Secure/Correct Adaptive Function Evaluation”
Presentation at Workshop on Theory and Practice of Multiparty Computation (slides)
Presentation at AFRICACRYPT conference (May 25)
Publication in AFRICACRYPT proceedings: DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31517-1_14, preprint here
Roberto Trifiletti (Aarhus University), “DUPLO: Unifying Cut-and-Choose for Garbled Circuits”
Presentation at Workshop on Theory and Practice of Multiparty Computation (slides)
Preprint here
Rafael Dowsley (Aarhus University), “Efficient and Private Scoring of Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression Models based on Pre-Computation”
Paper in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (Volume: PP, Issue: 99), preprint here
Peter Scholl (Aarhus University) et al., “Low Cost Constant Round MPC Combining BMR and Oblivious Transfer”
Paper at ASIACRYPT 2017
Jesper Buus Nielsen and Tobias Nilges (Aarhus University) et al., “Maliciously Secure Oblivious Linear Function Evaluation with Constant Overhead”
Paper at ASIACRYPT 2017
Prastudy Fauzi (Aarhus University) et al., “An Efficient Pairing-Based Shuffle Argument”
Paper at ASIACRYPT 2017
Helene Haagh, Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University) et al., “Revealing Encryption for Partial Ordering”
IMA Cryptography and Coding 2017, preprint here
Satrajit Ghosh, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Tobias Nilges, Roberto Trifiletti (Aarhus University) et al.,“TinyOLE: Efficient Actively Secure Two-Party Computation from Oblivious Linear Function Evaluation”
Paper at ACM CCS 2017, preprint here
Jesper Buus Nielsen, Roberto Trifiletti (Aarhus University) et al., “DUPLO: Unifying Cut-and-Choose for Garbled Circuits”
Paper at ACM CCS 2017, preprint here
Jesper Buus Nielsen, Roberto Trifiletti (Aarhus University) et al., “Constant Round Maliciously Secure 2PC with Function-independent Preprocessing using LEGO”
Paper at NDSS 2017, preprint here
Meilof Veeningen (Philips), “Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data Mining in the Medical Domain”
Presentation at Workshop on Decentralized Machine Learning, Optimization and Privacy
Arnout Jaspers, “Sharing Secrets (Without Giving Them Away)”
Press article ACM News, online here
Arnout Jaspers, “Geheimen delen met partners die je niet vertrouwt”
Press article NEMO Kennislink (in Dutch), online here
Peter Scholl (Aarhus University), Nigel Smart (University of Bristol), Tim Wood (University of Bristol), “When It’s All Just Too Much: Outsourcing MPC-Preprocessing”
Paper at IMA Cryptography and Coding 2017, preprint here
Gert Læssøe Mikkelsen, “Moderne trusler og moderne løsninger”
Presentation at It-sikkerhed 2017: De nye trusler – og dit næste modtræk
Gert Læssøe Mikkelsen, “Datasikkerhed”
Presentation at “Data for smarte kommuner“